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WADL/WSDL 2.0 for RESTful services in Ruby on Rails

Is there any way of publishing the parameters expected by the RESTful methods in Ruby on Rails? Using SOAP, we can use WSDL, but does RoR implement WADL or WSDL 2.0 for RESTful services? Edit: I am aware of a SOAP based solution using ActionWebService. I was refering to a RoR equivalent of


  • The answer is "No"; Rails does not provide a way to do this. WSDL 2.0 is arguably used by nobody, let alone by anybody doing REST (even though it's theoretically possible to a certain degree, its support for RESTful HTTP is very limited; e.g. it doesn't support hypermedia). WADL has strong acceptance problems within the REST community, too; with the exception of the Java Jersey framework, I'm not aware of any implementation.