I want to play my song (mp3) from python, can you give me a simplest command to do that?
This is not correct:
import wave
w = wave.open("e:/LOCAL/Betrayer/Metalik Klinik1-Anak Sekolah.mp3","r")
Try this. It's simplistic, but probably not the best method.
from pygame import mixer # Load the popular external library
mixer.music.load('e:/LOCAL/Betrayer/Metalik Klinik1-Anak Sekolah.mp3')
Please note that pygame's support for MP3
is limited. Also, as pointed out by Samy Bencherif, there won't be any silly pygame window popup when you run the above code.
$pip install pygame
Above code will only play the music if ran interactively, since the play()
call will execute instantaneously and the script will exit. To avoid this, you could instead use the following to wait for the music to finish playing and then exit the program, when running the code as a script.
import time
from pygame import mixer
while mixer.music.get_busy(): # wait for music to finish playing