Newbie trying to learn Lisp. I want to apply sqrt (or any function) to several lists in Clisp. For eg. using mapcar we can apply to one list such as (mapcar #'sqrt ( 10 20 30)).
But what about cases where the lists are ((10 20) (30 40) (50)). Thanks in advance for the help.
? (mapcar (lambda (e) (mapcar #'sqrt e)) '((10 20) (30 40) (50)))
((3.1622777 4.472136) (5.477226 6.3245554) (7.071068))
For arbitrary depths, you could use a recursive function:
(defun rmap (fun lst)
(lambda (x)
(if (listp x)
(rmap fun x)
(funcall fun x)))