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String case conversion javascript

So I really need help with something thats been bugging me for some time now. I have a function which looks like this:

var convertString = function (str){

// Place for additional code here.

return str;};

And what I need this function to do is to convert the string that comes with str.

Example: I need the scentence "I really LOVE JavaScript" to be converted to "i RE#LLY love j#V#sCRIPT"

I have no idea whatsoever how to accomplish this, please help!


  • var convertString = function (str){
        var s = '';
        for (var i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
            var n = str.charAt(i);
            s +=  (n.toLowerCase()=='a' ? '#' : n == n.toUpperCase() ? n.toLowerCase() : n.toUpperCase());
        return s;