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Boolean Matrix Multiplication in Matlab

Does Matlab have a Boolean (sometimes called logical or binary) matrix multiplication function? I'm specifically talking about what's usually denoted by a circle with a dot in it to denote Boolean matrix multiplication:

cij = (ai1 & b1j) || (ai2 & b2j) || (ai3 & b3j)|| ... || (aik & bkj)

I have had a hard time locating one and am now assuming one does not exist. If that is the case, is there a quick way to write a .m file that will accomplish this task?

An example would be:

[1 1 1;                [1 0 1;      [1 1 1
 1 0 1;   *circledot*   1 0 0;   =   1 1 1
 1 0 0]                 0 1 0]       1 0 1]


  • You can just allow MATLAB to perform standard matrix multiplication and convert the result to logical:

    b1 = [1,1,1;1,0,1;1,0,0]
    b2 = [1,0,1;1,0,0;0,1,0]
    bout = (b1*b2)>0 % or logical(b1*b2) as per natan's answer!
    bout =
         1     1     1
         1     1     1
         1     0     1

    However, if you want to faithfully perform the logical AND-OR operations of the Boolean matrix multiplication operator, you can do it with bsxfun and any as follows:

    bout = any(bsxfun(@and,permute(b2,[3 2 1]),permute(b1,[1 3 2])),3);

    That pretty well obfuscates the process, but it follows the formula.

    Quick test data: b1 = randi(2,M,N)-1; b2 = randi(2,N,M)-1;.