In my SQL query, I'm trying to concatenate two strings in my select clause. Here's the expected results:
col A col B Result
null null &
null '' &
null XYZ XYC
'' null &
'' '' &
ABC null ABC
My challenge is this - how do I get the 'dash' to show up for the last scenario and not the others?
Here's my attempt:
DECLARE @ColA as varchar(10)
DECLARE @ColB as varchar(10)
set @ColA = null; set @ColB = null; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = null; set @ColB = ''; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = null; set @ColB = 'XYC'; select 'XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = ''; set @ColB = null; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = ''; set @ColB = ''; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = ''; set @ColB = 'XYC'; select 'XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = 'ABC';set @ColB = null; select 'ABC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = 'ABC';set @ColB = ''; select 'ABC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
set @ColA = 'ABC';set @ColB = 'XYC'; select 'ABC-XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual'
Do you think I have to do one giant case when? I have many columns like this, and that would make it unbearable to read.
UPDATE: if I use a case when, then my select looks like this, which seems to work, but is going to be a pain.
case when (@ColA is not null and @ColA <> '') and
(@ColB is not null and @ColB <> '')
then @ColA + '-' + @ColB
else COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@ColA, '') + COALESCE(@ColB, ''), ''), '&')
really hoping someone has some suggestions for improvement!
Could you use a searched case function like this?
Select Case When isnull(ColA, '') + isnull(ColB, '') == '' Then '&'
When isnull(ColA, '') <> '' and isnull(ColB, '') <> '' Then ColA + '-' + ColB
Else isnull(ColA, '') + isnull(ColB, '')
From Table1