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$(this) not working with Flickr Gallery

Please see my codepen for this issue here:

This app will display two Flickr galleries. I'm trying to separate the function to be completely independent from the function call. However, the only way I can currently get it to work is to hardcode the lines to include the div id '#flickr'. I tried using $(this) instead but does not seem to cooperate.

Any suggestions?


The above are the lines of code in question and can be seen in the code below.

Note: this code assumes jquery is already loaded.

    $.fn.flickrSetGallery = function(callerSettings) { 
        var settings = $.extend(callerSettings); 
        var url = '';
        url += settings.apiKey;
        url += '&photoset_id=';
        url += settings.photosetID;
        url += '&format=json&jsoncallback=?';   
        $.getJSON(url, displayImages);
        function displayImages(data) {
            var photosetTitle = data.photoset.title;
            var photosetTag = photosetTitle.toLowerCase().trim().split(/\s+/).join
            var theHtml = "";
            $.each(, function(i,photo){
                var source = 'http://farm'''+photo.server+'/''_'+photo.secret+'_s.jpg';
                theHtml+= '<li><a href="http://farm'''+photo.server+'/''_'+photo.secret+'_b.jpg" data-lightbox="'+photosetTag+'">';
                theHtml+= '<img title="'+photo.title+'" src="'+source+'" alt="'+photo.title+'" />';
                theHtml+= '</a></li>';              

$(document).ready(function() {
        apiKey: '2eabc9d4b3a1b7443b2900a729b8b4a8',
        photosetID: '72157616127960344'        
        apiKey: '403e03feaf4819a91a02f158a0504075',
        photosetID: '72157637557971086'    

And here is the HTML:

<div id="flickr" class="flickr-things">

<div id="flickr2" class="flickr-things">


  • Try this way, using this inside the callback doesn't posint to the original element it is jqXhr object, so instead you can just cache it to a variable and use it:

    Before tha ajax call:

    var flickrContainer = this; //this is already a jquery object here
    $.getJSON(url, displayImages);

    and inside your callback use it as:



    There are other ways as well like using $.proxy function.bind etc to bind the context of the ajax callback to the context of the element.

     $.getJSON(url, displayImages.bind(this)); // or $.proxy(displayImages,this)

    and now this inside your function represents the flickerContainer so you can just do:
