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Deterministic Finite Automata

I am new to automata theory. This question below is for practice:

Let there be a language that is made of words that start and end with different symbols and have the alphabet {0,1}. For example, 001, 10110101010100, 10 and 01 are all accepted. But 101, 1, 0, and 1010001101 are rejected.

How do I:

  • Construct a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) diagram?
  • Find the regular expression for the DFA?

    I tried to post an image of the DFA I drew, but I need 10 reputations to post images unfortunately, which I do not yet have.

  • Solution

  • To answer this question, I think it's easier to identify the regular expression first.

    Regular Expression

    1(1|0)*0 | 0(1|0)*1 

    (* denotes Kleene's star operation)

    Now we convert this regular expression into an equivalent finite automata.

    Constructing a DFA

    You can design the NFA-∧(or NFA-ε in some texts) easily using Thompson constructors[1] for a given language(regex) which is then converted into an NFA without lambda transitions. This NFA can then be mapped to an equivalent DFA using subset construction method. [2]

    If you want, you can further reduce this DFA to obtain a minimal DFA which is unique for a given regular language. (Myhill-Nerode theorem) [3]

    Regex → NFA-∧ → NFA → DFA → DFA(minimal), This is the standard procedure.


