I have a simple problem, with a simple answer probably, but I can't find what is it. We want to deploy SonarQube along with Checkstyle and some other tools, but we can't find out is it meant for a centralized, server deployment, or on each developer machine? All tutorials show installations on separate machines and being used in the localhost, while there is a public instance example, and the requirements and specs certainly look service-like.
On the other hand, I'm not getting how do the developers submit their code for checks if it is on a server.
So, in short, how is it deployed? Any checklist or something similar would be of great help.
SonarQube (formerly just "Sonar") is a server-based system. Of course you can install it on your local machine (the hardware requirements are minimal). But it is a central server with a database.
Analyses are performed by some Sonar "client" software, which could be the sonar runner, the sonar ant task, the sonar Eclipse plugin etc. The analysis results can be automatically uploaded to the server, where they can be accessed via the sonar Web application.
In an environment with many developers, you should run a build server (e.g. Hudson or Jenkins), which performs automatic sonar analyses as part of the nightly build. Other schedules are possible, but the developers should know when they can expect updates of the server-side analysis results. The results of the automated analysis can be displayed in the individual developer's Eclipse editor by way of the sonar Eclipse plugin.
The architectural documentation on Sonar is quite sparse. I've looked for a picture to visualize what I just described, but could not find one ...