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UISteppers - How to set a Stepper to restart from last value

In an application with more than one view controller, how can you setup a UIStepper so that it restarts from the last selected value when the button is pressed.

Currently if I move back and forth to my view with the Steppers, if I press the stepper button it resets the value in my label to its start default value.

I'd like it to increase/decrease from the last value selected by the user.



  • try:

    -(void)viewDidLoad {
     int number = [[NSUserDefault standardUserDefault] integerForKey:@"value"];
     if(!number) { number = 1; };
     yourStep.value = number;
    -(IBAction)changeValue:(UIStepper *)sender {
    double value = [sender value];
    int myValue = (int)value;
    [[NSUserDefault standardUserDefault] setInteger:myValue forKey@"value"];