I have been trying to get msbuild generate the correct web deploy package so that I can poke in the values for Application Pool Identity.
In my project I have the parametes.xml with the following entry for the user and password:
<parameter name="username" description="AppPool identity username" defaultValue="domain\username">
<parameterValidation type="RegularExpression" validationString="(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$" />
<parameterEntry type="DeploymentObjectAttribute" scope="processModel" match="/processModel/@userName" />
<parameter name="password" description="AppPool identity password" tags="password" defaultValue="DefaultPassword">
<parameterEntry type="DeploymentObjectAttribute" scope="processModel" match="/processModel/@password" />
The msbuild command I use:
"C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/MSBuild.exe" "./TestSolution.sln"
The package gets generated correctly, but the issue is with the new parameters.xml that is placed inside the zipped folder. The username/password entry has been changed to:
<parameter name="Username" description="Identity Username" defaultValue="domain\username" />
<parameter name="Password" description="Identity Username Password" defaultValue="DefaultPassword" tags="password" />
As you can see the parameterEntry and Validation have been removed. If I try to deploy the application using msdeploy and set the username and password in SetParameters, it does not poke the new values for the ApplicationPool.
If I manually add the removed lines back into the package, the deployment works correctly and the application pool gets the identity set in SetParameters file.
Is this by design? Is there a way to force msdeploy not to remove those lines when it builds the package?
I have spent past few days trying to get this to work, and any examples I came across have not solved this.
Hoping someone might have some insight.
Finally found the issue!
It was with the way that the parameters were defined. If you look at the Parameters.xml I am defining everything using:
<parameterEntry type=
Changing all "type" to "kind" generates the correct package parameters.xml and enables poking of application identity.
This was because I used the code that was posted on IIS forums:
This seems to be incorrect for this application. Not sure if its a version difference or something else.