I'd like to deserialize a json string, but somehow i dont get the correct value :( This is the input json string
Created a class for it
public class Files
public string path { get; set; }
public int size { get; set; }
public class myObject
public List<Files> files { get; set; }
public string md5sum { get; set; }
And trying to use JavaScriptSerializer:
var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
List<myObject> obj = s.Deserialize<List<myObject>>(File.ReadAllText(json));
What am i doing wrong? obj count is zero. I need to use only the path value.
That is one root object, not a list. Try:
var obj = s.Deserialize<myObject>(File.ReadAllText(json));
Also, I'm assuming that json
here is a path to a file, and not the json itself.