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Batch file : SET variable=string doesn't work

I've this code :

if %Ret:~6,4% EQU %Year% (
SET test=text
ECHO %test%
) else (

The code enters in the if loop but it returns always Echo is off! I've pay attention to the space before and after the =. Any ideas?


  • Number #342 of this type of question this year.

    Percent expansion occours when a block is parsed, before any line is executed.
    So the echo %test% is expanded before the variable is set.

    Therefor exists the delayed expansion, which expands when a line is executed.

    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    if "%Ret:~6,4%" EQU "%Year%" (
      SET test=text
      ECHO !test!
    ) else (
      ECHO NO