We are using JBOSS FUSE 6.0.0
and program it using Apache Camel routes.A new requirement has come to Proxy a CORBA
service as below:
System 1 ---> sends CORBA Request to--> JBOSS Fuse <BR>
JBOSS FuseFuse -->Transforms to SOAP HTTP--> System 2 <BR>
System2 -->Responds in SOAP HTTP---? JBOSS Fuse <BR>
JBOSS Fuse -->Converts SOAP to CORBA --> System 1. <BR>
Just needed your advise ,does anybody tried to use JBOSS Fuse/ Apache Camel
as a CORBA
Service consumer ?
Current we don't have camel-corba component to access or provide the CORBA service. If you still want to use camel you may need to let the CORAB implementation use the Camel ProducerTemplate API to send the message to the CamelContext.