Search code examples

How to write this boost query using SolrNet to Boost result with contentscore 1

I am trying to write SolrNet query for following block:

q={!boost b=sum(contentscore,1) defType=edismax}te

How we write SolrNet based Linq or regular C# code for above Solr query ?

Solr server version is 3.6.0

Full Solr query is:{!boost b=sum(contentscore,1) defType=edismax}testingsearchterm&hl=true&group=true&group.ngroups=true&group.truncate=true&group.field=collapse&fq=-type:(file) roles:(1)&facet=on&facet.field=category&f.category.facet.sort=count&f.category.facet.limit=12&f.category.facet.offset=0&f.category.facet.mincount=0&facet.field=user&f.user.facet.sort=count&f.user.facet.limit=12&f.user.facet.offset=0&f.user.facet.mincount=1&facet.field=group&[2013-11-06T02:33:00Z TO 2013-11-13T02:33:00Z]&facet.query=date:[2013-10-13T01:33:00Z TO 2013-11-13T02:33:00Z]&facet.query=date:[2012-11-13T02:33:00Z TO 2013-11-13T02:33:00Z]

I have following code written for basic querying which is going to change as per above full query:

var matchingRecords = solr.Query(BuildQuery(parameters), new QueryOptions
    FilterQueries = BuildFilterQueries(parameters),
    Rows = parameters.PageSize,
    Start = start,
    OrderBy = GetSelectedSort(parameters),
    SpellCheck = new SpellCheckingParameters(),
    Facet = new FacetParameters
        Queries = AllFacetFields.Except(SelectedFacetFields(parameters))
                                .Select(f => new SolrFacetFieldQuery(f) { MinCount = 1 })

Reference question: Solrnet - Boost query with function


  • I have written this Solr query as below:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using SolrNet;
    using SolrNet.Commands.Parameters;
    using SolrNet.DSL;
    using SolrNet.Exceptions;
    using SolrNet.Impl;
    public class Class1
        public void Method1()
            var serviceProvider = ((IServiceProvider)Startup.Container);
            if (serviceProvider == null)
            var solrOperation = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ISolrReadOnlyOperations<MySampleItem>));
            if (solrOperation == null)
            ISolrReadOnlyOperations<MySampleItem> solr = (ISolrReadOnlyOperations<MySampleItem>)solrOperation;
            SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters();
            parameters.FreeSearch = txtSearch.Text;
            DateTime currentdate = DateTime.Now;
            var facetweek = new SolrQueryByRange<DateTime?>("date", new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day).AddDays(-7), new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day));
            var facetyear = new SolrQueryByRange<DateTime?>("date", new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day).AddYears(-1), new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day));
            var facetmonth = new SolrQueryByRange<DateTime?>("date", new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day).AddMonths(-1), new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day));
            var start = (parameters.PageIndex - 1) * parameters.PageSize;
            var matchingRecords = solr.Query(BuildQuery(parameters), new QueryOptions
                ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"fq", "-type file)  roles 1)"},
                Highlight = new HighlightingParameters { },
                Grouping = new GroupingParameters()
                    Fields = new[] { "collapse" },
                    Ngroups = true,
                FilterQueries = BuildFilterQueries(parameters),
                Rows = parameters.PageSize,
                Facet = new FacetParameters
                    Queries = new ISolrFacetQuery[]
                        new SolrFacetFieldQuery("category") { MinCount = 0 ,Limit=12,Offset=0,Sort=true},
                        new SolrFacetFieldQuery("user") { MinCount = 1 ,Limit=12,Offset=0,Sort=true},
                        new SolrFacetFieldQuery("group") { MinCount = 1 ,Limit=12,Offset=0,Sort=true},
                        new SolrFacetFieldQuery("tag") { MinCount = 1 ,Limit=12,Offset=0,Sort=true},
                        new SolrFacetQuery(facetweek),
                        new SolrFacetQuery(facetyear),
                        new SolrFacetQuery(facetmonth),
        public ISolrQuery BuildQuery(SearchParameters parameters)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.FreeSearch))
                return new LocalParams { { "boost b", "sum(contentscore,1)" }, { "defType", "edismax" } } + new SolrQuery(parameters.FreeSearch);
                //return new SolrQuery(parameters.FreeSearch);
            return SolrQuery.All;
        public ICollection<ISolrQuery> BuildFilterQueries(SearchParameters parameters)
            var queriesFromFacets = from p in parameters.Facets
                                    select (ISolrQuery)Query.Field(p.Key).Is(p.Value);
            return queriesFromFacets.ToList();

    Class for mapping the Solr search result into object

    public class MySampleItem
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }
        public string FriendlyUrl { get; set; }
        public float Score { get; set; }
        public DateTime PublishDate { get; set; }

    I hope this will benefit others in future.