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Filling in empty fields in a table with hardcoded text

I have the below code which does what I want it to do, however I want to add additional code so that any blank record for fields exit_prnt_layout and exit_web_layout in table hrp5021 is filled in with text STANDARD. I know how to extract data from tables but I'm struggling to understand how to add this functionality. I am very new to abap and help is appreciated.

TABLES: hrp5021.

DATA: hrp5021_wa TYPE hrp5021.

PARAMETERS: objid LIKE hrp5021-objid.

 SELECT SINGLE * FROM hrp5021 INTO hrp5021_wa
               WHERE plvar = '01'
               AND   otype = 'VA'
               AND   objid   = objid
               AND   istat   = '4'
               AND   exit_prnt_layout = 'STANDARD'.
 IF sy-subrc = 0.
         hrp5021_wa-exit_prnt_layout = 'SMARTFORM'.
  UPDATE hrp5021 FROM hrp5021_wa.
         WRITE:/ 'VA', objid, 'was changed to Smartform'.
         WRITE:/ 'No entry for conversion found'.



    It is almost never a good idea to update an SAP standard table directly. If you are new to SAP you can remove the "almost" from that statement.

    So while I will answer your question I would strongly suggest that you try to find a SAP-approved way to update the necessary fields using BDC, BAPI or a released function module.

    The following code will update all entries where exit_prnt_layout is blank:

    update hrp5021 set exit_prnt_layout = 'STANDARD'
      where exit_prnt_layout = space.
    write:/ sy-dbcnt ' entries updated'.

    And the same for exit_web_layout:

    update hrp5021 set exit_web_layout = 'STANDARD'
      where exit_web_layout = space.
    write:/ sy-dbcnt ' entries updated'.