I am attempting to validate my iOS project before uploading it to the App Store. It's an iPhone app that runs fine in the simulator and on my iPhone test device. It works fine in iOS 6.1 and iOS 7.
When I run the Validate check in Xcode Organizer, I repeatedly get 1 error and 1 warning.
Error is:
Storyboard file 'MainStoryboard_iPad~ipad.storyboardc' was not found. Please ensure the specified file is included in the bundle with any required device modifiers appended to the filename.
Warning is:
Missing recommended icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone/iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format.
I have spent days (weeks?) searching for an answer to similar questions that might resolve the error message. Nothing works ... and I've tried a lot of things that seemed to have worked for others.
Perhaps there really is something wrong in my code / bundle creation ... help! I can't find it. Since I get the same 2 messages every time I try and validate the project, no matter what I change, I'm starting to wonder if, somehow, the changes I'm making are not making it through to the bundle that is getting validated each time?
I stopped trying to resolve the error messages I was getting in the Validate step and began following my hunch that the bundle changes I was making were not getting through to the bundle that was being validated. I read posts about how to create an Archive "ipa" file. Following those instructions, I was able to create a new and up to date ipa file that did validate and I was able to upload to the App Store for review.