I have a ResouceDictionary defined in XAML with codebehind. I need to define some view-specific behaviors with mouse-events and databinding, and for that I need to access some elements defined inside a DataTemplate.
The problem is, the DataTemplate doesn't have a Key it only has a TargetType (that is needed so WPF will automatically use it for the given type).
So, how can I access the DataTemplate from codebehind?
If I put a breakpoint somewhere in the constructor, I can see that the template for my ViewModel is there. It seems that ResourceDictionary.Keys property is an array of objects, and the key I want to access (or the corresponding value, actually) is like this in the debugger:
<sys:Double x:Key="escala">10</sys:Double>
<sys:Double x:Key="raio">20</sys:Double>
<EllipseGeometry x:Key="geometriacirculo"
RadiusX="{StaticResource raio}"
RadiusY="{StaticResource raio}"/>
<ScaleTransform x:Key="transform" ScaleX="{StaticResource escala}" ScaleY="{StaticResource escala}" />
<ap:NormalConverter x:Key="NormalConverter"/>
<ap:BitmapToSource x:Key="BitmapToSource"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:TelaColetaViewModel}">
public partial class TelaColetaTemplate : ResourceDictionary
EllipseGeometry _geometria_circulo;
ScaleTransform _scale_transform;
Grid GridZoom;
Path CirculoGuia;
double _escala;
Point? _ponto_clicado_norm;
public TelaColetaTemplate()
// three following lines work, accessing them with key, no problem
_geometria_circulo = (EllipseGeometry)this["geometriacirculo"];
_scale_transform = (ScaleTransform)this["transform"];
_escala = (double)this["escala"];
//var wantedTemplate = ????
with just DataType
mentioned but no x:Key
will have an implicit key created for them. So, essentially to get to your DataTemplate, all you need to do is Create a DataTemplate Key and use it an indexer parameter for your ResourceDictionary
Sample Code below:
new DataTemplateKey(typeof(TargetViewModel));