I have a canvas that contains a few MouseAreas that can be dragged. The canvas draws some decoration between these items that cannot be expressed as native QML elements.
How can I initiate a redraw of the canvas when an Item changes size or position? I know that I need to call canvas.requestPaint(), but on which event? The only solution I found so far was calling requestPaint() within a timer, but I want to avoid that due to performance reasons.
According to the QML documentation, each property of a QML
component has an implicit signal associated with a change of value in the property:
Signal handlers for property change signal take the syntax form
is the name of the property, with the first letter capitalized. For example, although the TextInput type documentation does not document a textChanged signal, this signal is implicitly available through the fact that TextInput has a text property and so it is possible to write an onTextChanged signal handler to be called whenever this property changes