I would like to be able to make dynamic queries with DataMapper ,for searching an Sqlite database for my Sinatra project.Is it possible? So far I have come up with something like this trying to get the songs that are sang from the artist specified by the named parameter:
get '/artists/:name' do
@artist = Artist.get(params[:name])
@songs= Song.all(:artist_name => '#{artist.name}')
slim :show_artists
These are my DataMapper Classes:
configure:development do
DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/3sbase.db")
class Song
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :title, String
property :year, Integer
belongs_to :artist
class Artist
include DataMapper::Resource
#property :id, Serial
property :name, String, :key=>true
property :age, Integer
has n, :songs
and this is my .slim file
h1= @artist.name
p Age: #{@artist.age}
- if @songs.any?
-@songs.each do |song|
p <a href="/songs/#{song.id}">#{song.title} </a>
- else
p There are no songs from this artist/band in the database.
Every time the if statement returns false and so I get the "There are no songs from this artist/band in the database." message despite the fact that there are songs sang by the artist I search for in my database.
After asking in the sinatrarb google group I was suggested to change
@songs= Song.all(:artist_name => '#{artist.name}')
with this line:
@songs= Song.all(:artist => {:name => @artist.name})
or with this
@songs= @artist.songs
they both work fine