I am using boost python for interoperability between C++ and the Python . i have enum and structure in c++ and have function in c++ that can take these structure as a parameter. and i am able to access this function in python by using boost python but i don't know how to send structure as parameter in python. Set is function in c++ that can get structure as parameter.so in python how can i send this structure as a parameter . i am able to get this function in python but not able to send send structure as parameter. thanks for the help.
structure in c++ is as follow:
enum days
struct example
days m_day;
std: string m_value;
Class Base
void Set(example& Result) = 0;
class Derived
void Set(example& Result)
Result.m_day = friday;
You have to expose structure example like this and then create a variable of this structure in python and send this variable as argument.
Class_<example> (“example”)
.def_readwrite(“m_day” , & example:: day)
.def_readwrite(“m_value” , & example:: m_value)
Hope this will help..