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ModX getResources - Chunks in the tpl are displaying parent's content

I have this getResourcesCall

[[!getResources? &tpl=GRTpl&includeContent=1&includeTVs=1&parents=[[*id]]]]

In GRTpl I am including [[+content]] tags, but they only display the parent's content, not the content of the children. What gives!?


I am using ModX output filters in GRTpl. So I have a Single-Select Listbox that displays chunks based on the selection. Here is GRTpl:

[[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type One`:then=`[[$Type One Chunk]]` ]]

[[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Two`:then=`[[$Type Two Chunk]]` ]]

[[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Three`:then=`[[$Type Three Chunk]]` ]]

[[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Four`:then=`[[$Type Four Chunk]]` ]]


  • So I found the solution. In GRTpl I'm passing a var into each chunk:

    [[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type One`:then=`[[$Type One Chunk? &content=`[[+content]]` ]]` ]]
    [[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Two`:then=`[[$Type Two Chunk? &content=`[[+content]]` ]]` ]]
    [[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Three`:then=`[[$Type Three Chunk? &content=`[[+content]]` ]]` ]]
    [[+tv.section_type:eq=`Type Four`:then=`[[$Type Four Chunk? &content=`[[+content]]` ]]` ]]`

    Then in the chunks [[+content]] displays the child resource's content.