Search code examples

How to write a generic expression tree for filter data in c#

Hi I Create a winform Application in c#.

I use EF5 to work with database.

and for bind data to my datagridviews i created a component from BindingSource that has a Bind() method that run this event:

private object bindingSourceTbl1_DataSourceBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (SampleDbEntities dbo = new SampleDbEntities())
      return(from x in dbo.Tbl1
             where x.Id == (int)comboBoxPerson.SelectedValue
             select x).Take(1000).ToList();

because my database has many large data i fetch partial of data. and i use search for get match record. for this i created a SearchPanel component that create textboxes for filter each columns in my grid.

at now i want to send an expression tree to my event as a parameter to join to where clause like this:

private object bindingSourceTbl1_DataSourceBinding(object sender, EventArgs e,Expression whereClause)
    using (SampleDbEntities dbo = new SampleDbEntities())
      return(from x in dbo.Tbl1
             where x.Id == (int)comboBoxPerson.SelectedValue && whereClause
             select x).Take(1000).ToList();

but my expression tree builder method exists in my component code and i dont access to my DbContext in my project and just i have fieldNames in my component, also i want to write just one method for all tables.

this means i can't return like

Expression< Func< AnyDbSet,bool>>

and i don't know how do it?



  • If you need just &&, then it's helpful to realize that coll.Where(x => a(x) && b(x)) (where a(x) and b(x) are any boolean expressions that work with x) is logically the same as coll.Where(x => a(x)).Where(x => b(x)). What this means is that you can rewrite your code to something like:

    List<Tbl1Type> GetTbl1Values(Expression<Func<Tbl1Type, bool>> whereClause)
        using (SampleDbEntities dbo = new SampleDbEntities())
            return dbo.Tbl1
                .Where(x => x.Id == (int)comboBoxPerson.SelectedValue)

    If you also needed to support || or more complicated combinations, you could use LINQKit.

    This just leaves the matter of creating the expression from a property name. You can use method of the Expression type for that. For example, something like:

    static Expression<Func<T, bool>> CreateWhereClause<T>(
        string propertyName, object propertyValue)
        var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
                Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName),