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How do you stringize/serialize Ruby code?

I want to be able to write a lambda/Proc in my Ruby code, serialize it so that I can write it to disk, and then execute the lambda later. Sort of like...

x = 40
f = lambda { |y| x + y }

Later, in a separate run of the Ruby interpreter, I want to be able to say...

f = load_from_before
z =
z.should == 42

Marshal.dump does not work for Procs. I know Perl has Data::Dump::Streamer, and in Lisp this is trivial. But is there a way to do it in Ruby? In other words, what would be the implementation of save_for_later?

Edit: My answer below is nice, but it does not close over free variables (like x) and serialize them along with the lambda. So in my example ...

x = 40
s = save_for_later { |y| x + y }
# => "lambda { |y|\n  (x + y)\n}"

... the string output does not include a definition for x. Is there a solution that takes this into account, perhaps by serializing the symbol table? Can you access that in Ruby?

Edit 2: I updated my answer to incorporate serializing local variables. This seems acceptable.


  • Use Ruby2Ruby

    def save_for_later(&block)
      return nil unless block_given?
      c =
      c.class_eval do
        define_method :serializable, &block
      s = Ruby2Ruby.translate(c, :serializable)
      s.sub(/^def \S+\(([^\)]*)\)/, 'lambda { |\1|').sub(/end$/, '}')
    x = 40
    s = save_for_later { |y| x + y }
    # => "lambda { |y|\n  (x + y)\n}"
    g = eval(s)
    # => #<Proc:0x4037bb2c@(eval):1> 
    # => 42

    This is great, but it does not close over free variables (like x) and serialize them along with the lambda.

    To serialize variables also, you can iterate over local_variables and serialize them as well. The problem, though, is that local_variables from within save_for_later accesses only c and s in the code above -- i.e. variables local to the serialization code, not the caller. So unfortunately, we must push the grabbing of local variables and their values to the caller.

    Maybe this is a good thing, though, because in general, finding all free variables in a piece of Ruby code is undecidable. Plus, ideally we would also save global_variables and any loaded classes and their overridden methods. This seems impractical.

    Using this simple approach, you get the following:

    def save_for_later(local_vars, &block)
      return nil unless block_given?
      c =
      c.class_eval do
        define_method :serializable, &block
      s = Ruby2Ruby.translate(c, :serializable)
      locals = { |var,val| "#{var} = #{val.inspect}; " }.join
      s.sub(/^def \S+\(([^\)]*)\)/, 'lambda { |\1| ' + locals).sub(/end$/, '}')
    x = 40
    s = save_for_later({ |v| [v,eval(v)] }) { |y| x + y }
    # => "lambda { |y| _ = 40; x = 40;\n  (x + y)\n}"
    # In a separate run of Ruby, where x is not defined...
    g = eval("lambda { |y| _ = 40; x = 40;\n  (x + y)\n}")
    # => #<Proc:0xb7cfe9c0@(eval):1>
    # => 42
    # Changing x does not affect it.
    x = 7
    # => 43