I'm processing some objects in batches and generating some markup for them to be used within a carousel.
When I'm on the last item in the batch i'd like to give that item a class so that I can style it accordingly.
I'm able to give the item an inline style to get it how I want however, if i try to add a class to the element (which has already been given a class) it doesn't show in the markup. Very strange - can you not assign more than one class to an element, does it not append the class to the existing one?
Here is the code I'm working with, hopefully someone can advise:
public static string CreateCarouselMarkup(BrandCollection carouselBrands)
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
using (HtmlTextWriter textWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter))
//List items
int idx = 0;
foreach (Brand brand in carouselBrands)
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, string.Format("/brands/{0}/", brand.SeoInfo.SeoUrl));
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "carousel-image");
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, brand.Logo);
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Alt, brand.Title);
//If we are on the last item or last item for this batch
if (idx == carouselBrands.Count())
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "last-img");
textWriter.RenderEndTag();//End Img tag
textWriter.RenderEndTag();//End A tag
textWriter.RenderEndTag();//End Li tag
return stringWriter.ToString();
Here is a small sample of the markup that is rendered:
<ul class="bjqs" style="height: 80px; width: 100%; display: block;">
<li class="bjqs-slide" style="height: 80px; width: 100%; display: list-item;">
<a href="/brands/kaldewei/">
<img class="carousel-image" src="/Images/Brands/Logos/kaldewei_logo_02.png" alt="Kaldewei">
<a href="/brands/iotti/">
<img class="carousel-image" src="/Images/Brands/Logos/Iotti-logo.jpg" alt="Iotti">
<a href="/brands/ellis/">
<img class="carousel-image" src="/Images/Brands/Logos/Ellis-logo.jpg" alt="Ellis">
<a href="/brands/burgbad/">
<img class="carousel-image" src="/Images/Brands/Logos/Burgbad-logo.png" alt="Burgbad">
<li class="bjqs-slide" style="height: 80px; width: 100%; display: none;">
<a href="/brands/pura/">
<img class="carousel-image" src="/Images/Brands/Logos/Pura-logo.png" alt="Pura">
I'm expecting the class last-img
to be applied to the last images in each batch (i don't want to use a CSS3 property for this). In the above example, it would be applied to burgbad
and pura
Well, the interesting thing for me when running your code is that it renders class
attribute twice:
<a href="/brands/uno/"><img class="carousel-image" src="uno" alt="uno" /></a>
<a href="/brands/dos/"><img class="carousel-image" src="dos" alt="dos" /></a>
<a href="/brands/tres/"><img class="carousel-image" src="tres" alt="tres" class="last-img" /></a>
In any case, it is adding the attribute, though the rendered markup is "off". So:
textWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, idx == carouselBrands.Count() ? "carousel-image last-img" : "carousel-image");
<a href="/brands/uno/"><img class="carousel-image" src="uno" alt="uno" /></a>
<a href="/brands/dos/"><img class="carousel-image" src="dos" alt="dos" /></a>
<a href="/brands/tres/"><img class="carousel-image last-img" src="tres" alt="tres" /></a>