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C++ move semantics: why copy assignment operator=(&) is called instead of move assignment operator=(&&)?

I have the following code:

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;

struct SomeType {
  SomeType() {}

  SomeType(const SomeType &&other) {
    cout << "SomeType(SomeType&&)\n";
    *this = std::move(other);

  void operator=(const SomeType &) {
    cout << "operator=(const SomeType&)\n";

  void operator=(SomeType &&) {
    cout << "operator=(SomeType&&)\n";

int main() {
  SomeType a;
  SomeType b(std::move(a));
  b = std::move(a);
  return 0;

I expect move constructor to call the move assignment operator. Here is the output of this program:

operator=(const SomeType&)

As you can see, move assignment operator is successfully called, but not when assigning to *this inside move constructor. Why is this happening, can I fix it somehow?


  • Your move constructor takes a const SomeType&& rather than a SomeType&&. You cannot call a function that takes a SomeType&& (your move constructor) with a value of type const SomeType&&.

    Try making a move constructor that takes a SomeType&&.