I'm wanting to take advantage of the google maps loader callback as demonstrated here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/map-simple-async
I have a working example of doing this using AMD and promises. To load and consume the API:
require(["path/to/google-maps-api-v3"], function (api) {
api.then(function (googleMaps) {
// consume the api
Here's my module def which I'd prefer return google.maps after it's full loaded instead of a deferred:
define(["dojo/Deferred"], function (Deferred) {
var d = new Deferred();
dojoConfig["googleMapsReady"] = function () {
delete dojoConfig["googleMapsReady"];
return d;
But solution returns a promise instead of the fully initialized google.maps. I'd prefer it to appear like a regular AMD module but can't see how.
Create an AMD plugin. Here's the one I created based on JanMisker's example:
define(function () {
var cb ="_asyncApiLoaderCallback";
return {
load: function (param, req, loadCallback) {
if (!cb) return;
dojoConfig[cb] = function () {
delete dojoConfig[cb];
cb = null;
require([param + "&callback=dojoConfig." + cb]);
Usage example: