I compare a const char *
to a string and for some reason it always succeeds.
if (std::strcmp(t->detectColor->name, "ghghjg") != 0) {
// check if it was allready a sequencer
if (std::strcmp(t->className, "IM_SURE_IT_CANT_BE_THIS") != 0) {
printf("what is going on?\n");
The detectColor name is always something like green or blue, and t->className
is "ofxDTangibleBase" for example. Still it prints
what is going on?
in the console. How can i get a valid compare?
According to cplusplus.com:
Returns an integral value indicating the relationship between the strings: A zero value indicates that both strings are equal. A value greater than zero indicates that the first character that does not match has a greater value in str1 than in str2; And a value less than zero indicates the opposite.
Or said differently by cppreference.com:
Return value
- Negative value if lhs is less than rhs.
- 0 if lhs is equal to rhs.
- Positive value if lhs is greater than rhs.
So, in your code, strcmp(t->detectColor->name, "ghghjg")
will return something different than 0. As a consequence, "XXXXXXXXXXX" will be printed.
You only have to change:
if (std::strcmp(t->detectColor->name, "ghghjg") != 0)
if (std::strcmp(t->detectColor->name, "ghghjg") == 0)
And the same for the other comparison.