i am trying to rename a list of pdf files by extracting the name from the file using PyPdf. i tried to use a for loop to rename the files but i always get an error with code 32 saying that the file is being used by another process. I am using python2.7 Here's my code
import os, glob
from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
# this function extracts the name of the file
def getName(filepath):
output = PdfFileWriter()
input = PdfFileReader(file(filepath, "rb"))
outputStream = file(filepath + '.txt', 'w')
outText = open(filepath + '.txt', 'rb')
textString = outText.read()
nameStart = textString.find('default">')
nameEnd = textString.find('_SATB', nameStart)
nameEnd2 = textString.find('</rdf:li>', nameStart)
if nameStart:
testName = textString[nameStart+9:nameEnd]
if len(testName) <= 100:
name = testName + '.pdf'
name = textString[nameStart+9:nameEnd2] + '.pdf'
return name
pdfFiles = glob.glob('*.pdf')
m = len(pdfFiles)
for each in pdfFiles:
newName = getName(each)
os.rename(each, newName)
You're not closing the input stream (the file) used by the pdf reader. Thus, when you try to rename the file, it's still open.
So, instead of this:
input = PdfFileReader(file(filepath, "rb"))
Try this:
inputStream = file(filepath, "rb")
input = PdfFileReader(inputStream)
(... when done with this file...)