EDIT : I completed this project using ABCpdf. For anyone interested, I love this product and their support is A+. Everything I listed as a 'Con' for the HTML -> PDF solution was easily doable in ABCpdf.
Now, because of the fact that the report is going to be generated with multiple sets of data, I don't think a stamped pdf template will work since I won't know how long or how many pages a certain piece of the report could require.
So, I think my best options are:
Both solutions have their pro's and con's.
Programmatic solution:
(Edited after project completion. All of my assumptions were incorrect and ABCpdf is awesome)
1. Almost impossible to generate page headers - Not True
2. Very difficult to generate page numbers Not True
3. Nearly impossible to generate table of contents Not True
4. (Cross-browser support isn't a con; Since its internal, I can dictate what browser to use)
5. Conversion tool quirks - may not convert exactly as rendered in browser Not True
6. Overall, I think it would be very hard to format the HTML exactly as I would want it to appear/convert to PDF. Not True
That's it - I need the communitys help in deciding which way I should go. I might be wrong about some of my Pro/Con assumptions. If I am, please tell me. All thoughts and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Decided on using an approach similar to the one used at http://alistapart.com/articles/boom
Using ABCPdf instead of Prince for the eventual HTML -> PDF generation.
Anyone who is interested in the same thing, feel free to message me about this approach.