Using SGE I can exclude a node called "node6" with the option:
#$ -l h=!node6
Question: Does anyone know how to extend this to more than one node? I really can't find a good HowTo and I'm tired of guessing. Thanks!
You can use a wildcard expression to exclude some nodes. For example if you have nodes called node1, node2 ... nodeX; to exclude node2 to node5 you can use :
#$ -l h='!node[2-5]'
or to exclude several nodes :
#$ -l h='!(nodeP|nodeQ|...|nodeR)' //P,Q,R in [1,X]
Now just find the pattern which matches all the nodes you want to exclude.
Else, you can use a resource quota. To perform that, create a resource quota :
qconf -arqs disabledHostsResourceQuota
Edit this resource quota to allow a hostgroup (let's call it disabledHosts) to prevent jobs from running :
name disabledHostsResourceQuota
description resource quota to disable some hosts
enabled TRUE
limit hosts {@disabledHosts} to slots=0
Then create your hostgroup :
qconf -ahgrp disabledHosts
and in the "hostlist" field, add all the hosts you want to disable. You can then submit your job without any option, that should do the trick.