I am new in mex and Matlab. I have just learned how to pass real variables and matrix variables from mex function to Matlab.
After installing GMP(its alternative mpir and mpfr libraries), now my questions are: when I am building mex functions via C++ and GMP, how to pass a "multiple precision" variable output argument as Matlab's native function does?
Is there any simple working example?
Below is mex function code sample, to which I added multiple precision related headers. How to set the "multiple precision" pi as a third output argument? or printf/mexPrintf it as string?
PS. in order to build it correctly, mpir, mpfr, and a C++ wrapper (mpreal.h) have to be installed.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "mex.h"
// The multiple precision libraries
// #include "mpir.h"
#include "mpreal.h"
using namespace mpfr;
using namespace std;
extern void _main();
class MyData {
void display();
void set_data(double v1, double v2);
MyData(double v1 = 0, double v2 = 0);
~MyData() { }
double val1, val2;
MyData::MyData(double v1, double v2)
val1 = v1;
val2 = v2;
void MyData::display()
#ifdef _WIN32
mexPrintf("Value1 = %g\n", val1);
mexPrintf("Value2 = %g\n\n", val2);
cout << "Value1 = " << val1 << "\n";
cout << "Value2 = " << val2 << "\n\n";
void MyData::set_data(double v1, double v2) { val1 = v1; val2 = v2; }
void mexcpp(
double num1,
double num2
#ifdef _WIN32
mexPrintf("\nThe initialized data in object:\n");
cout << "\nThe initialized data in object:\n";
MyData *d = new MyData; // Create a MyData object
d->display(); // It should be initialized to
// zeros
d->set_data(num1,num2); // Set data members to incoming
// values
#ifdef _WIN32
mexPrintf("After setting the object's data to your input:\n");
cout << "After setting the object's data to your input:\n";
d->display(); // Make sure the set_data() worked
void mexFunction(
int nlhs,
mxArray *[],
int nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[]
double *vin1, *vin2;
/* Check for proper number of arguments */
if (nrhs != 2) {
"MEXCPP requires two input arguments.");
} else if (nlhs >= 1) {
"MEXCPP requires no output argument.");
vin1 = (double *) mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
vin2 = (double *) mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
////////////// Here are the multiple precision settings
const int digits = 64;
const mpreal pi = mpfr::const_pi();
////////////// How can I set the multiple precision pi as a third output argument?
///// say vpa? or something else?
mexPrintf(" The multiple precision pi is %g \n",pi);
mexcpp(*vin1, *vin2);
I now think the answer should be very simple. for example, if I want to pass an obtained VectorXmp to Matlab
VectorXmp x(n);
Use mxCreateCellMatrix to create a same dimensional Vector, convert all components of x into char and then put them into the output cell using codes as below:
plhs[0]=mxCreateCellMatrix(n, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Then in Matlab environment, use
to convert the output into symbol matrix(vector), and
to convert it into double matrix(vector) with precision loss.