I need to download a zip file from a website as I am going to require to coalesce multiple files in a single download (up to 100 individual files-ish).
When attempting to create the zip file, it downloads as intended, the file name appears in the format "YYYY.MM.DD - HH.MM.SS" also as intended. My issue occurs when attempting to open the zip file in windows 7 (or winzip) - I get the error message below. This happens repeatedly from multiple attempts.
I assume that I have made an error while coding the creation or download of the zip file, rather than the zip file format itself being an issue as I can open different zip files - can anyone see the mistake I have probably made? (code included below error image)
I have attempted to use Download multiple files as a zip-file using php as a reference.
//backup file name based on current date and time
$filename = date("Y.m.j - H.i.s");
//name of zip file used when downloading
$zipname = 'temp.zip';
//create new zip file
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
//yes, I know the zip file is empty currently - I've cut the code from here for
//now as the zip file doesn't function with / without it currently
//download file from temporary file on server as '$filename.zip'
header('Content-Type: application/zip');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename.'.zip');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname));
Check that the web server user has write permission to the folder where you're creating the ZIP file. Notwithstanding the documentation, ZipArchive::open()
will fail silently and return true
(i.e. success) if it cannot create the ZIP file. Further, ZipArchive::addFile()
will seemingly add as many files as you wish to this non-existent archive, also without reporting an error. The first point at which an error appears is when ZipArchive::close() returns `false'. No error messages appear in the error logs, either.
will report an error to the logs and fail, so the result is a zero-length ZIP file on your local hard disk.
The reason seems to be that the ZipArchive class is only assembling a list of files in memory until it's closed, at which point it assembles all the files into the Zip file. If this can't be done then ZipArchive::close()
returns false
Note: if the zip file is empty, it might not be created at all! Your download will proceed, but readfile()
will fail and you'll get a zero-length ZIP file downloaded.
What to do?
Add a little error checking to your code to report some of this:
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
// Add your files here
if ($zip->close() === false) {
exit("Error creating ZIP file");
//download file from temporary file on server as '$filename.zip'
if (file_exists($zipname)) {
header('Content-Type: application/zip');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename.'.zip');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname));
} else {
exit("Could not find Zip file to download");