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Jsoup, HTTPClient, HttpURLConnection. How to get a response html, if the server always returns a 413 error code

When sending a GET request to[request string] server always response 413 error. In browser this request show html page with javascript redirect. But in Jsoup when get this URL throwed exception. I think this is to prevent automated login.I want to get responsed html width Jsoup.

Response response = Jsoup.connect("").method(Method.GET).execute();
catch (HttpStatusException e) {
//? What i must write here to get response

In C#/.Net HttpWebRequest Exception object contain Response and I can extract html data from it. How to do it in java / android?

Sorry for my English.


  • You can use:

            Connection response = Jsoup.connect("").method(Method.GET);
            org.jsoup.Connection.Response r = response.execute();
            catch (HttpStatusException e) {
    //not throwed