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knife bootstrap ip-10-185-211-254.ec2.internal -x ubuntu -i JP_Key.pem —sudo -r “role[webserver]”

I have created a cookbook and signed a role. When I do

knife bootstrap ip-10-185-211-254.ec2.internal -x ubuntu -i JP_Key.pem —sudo -r "role[webserver]"

I'm getting the following error:

ERROR: Network Error: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
Check your knife configuration and network settings

Do I need to add the access key and secret key in knife.rb?


  • The error hints at the reason, that the IP of the server name you gave (ip-10-185-211-254.ec2.internal) couldn't be resolved by your local DNS resolver. This is probably because you tried to use the internal hostname and IP of your EC2 VM which is not accessible from outside of the EC2 internal network.

    You should use the external IP and hostname instead.