I have created a installer which creates a shortcut which servers the purpose of starting the jboss service and launching the application via a browser.
For achieving this i deployed Jboss 7.1 as a service and have a batch file which starts the jboss service using command sc start SERVICE_NAME and the next activity it should do launch the application by opening a internet explorer with a specified url. like e.g
*START iexplore urloftheapplication *
The problem is that i only want o launch ie with the url only when the application(.ear) gets deployed not when the jboss service is started or in other words when in the JBOSS deployments folder has a .deployed file indicating that the application is well deployed
How to achieve this? Any help would be helpful.
To be included in your batch deployment process. Adapt as needed
set "JBOSS_DEPLOYMENT_DIR=C:\Wherever\JBOSS\Deployment\Is"
set "deployedAPP=nameOfAppFile"
rem test for existence of file
if exist "%JBOSS_DEPLOYMENT_DIR%\%deployedAPP%.deployed" (
goto appDeployed
if exist "%JBOSS_DEPLOYMENT_DIR%\%deployedAPP%.failed" (
goto deployFailed
rem file does not exist, wait for 5 seconds
ping -n 6 -w 1 localhost >nul
rem test again
goto checkIfDeployed
rem here, the app is deployed
goto endDeploy
rem here, the deployment failed
goto endDeploy
rem ....