Following code is for displaying favicon:
<title><link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /></title>
Path for my image is: wamp/www/widget_corp/favicon.ico
The URL for page was: localhost/widget_corp/pat_apt.php
Problem is: I cannot display favicon. Can anyone tell me why? Also, suggest me the way to display favicon for all pages. I went through some forums they suggested to edit the config file. Is that true? I am using WAMP Server 2.4.
Don't embed your favicon code in title tags. That's why you can't see it.
To include same code in various pages, create a php file to contain your head information:
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
Then call it between head tags of all of your pages:
<title>My Title</title>
<? require_once 'header.php'; ?>