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Disable StyleCop Rule with VS2012 Express

I am using Visual Studio 2012 Express and therefore don't have access to the integration for the regular version of VS. I have used the MSBuild to integrate StyleCop and the rules show up as Warnings. I want to be able to disable rules. The Disabling StyleCop rules post shows that this is possible but I can't make sense of the answer which suggests to edit the Settings.StyleCop file. However, I don't understand what is required to be added to this file to disable a rule.

If I wanted to disable rule SA1649 for instance how would I update the following file?

<StyleCopSettings Version="4.3">
    <CollectionProperty Name="DeprecatedWords">
    <Parser ParserId="StyleCop.CSharp.CsParser">
        <CollectionProperty Name="GeneratedFileFilters">
    <Analyzer AnalyzerId="StyleCop.CSharp.NamingRules">
        <CollectionProperty Name="Hungarian">

Note: I am using version 4.7 even though the default settings file shows 4.3


  • I found the following documentation to edit a stylecop rule in the XML

    The XML code snippet is below.

    <StyleCopSettings Version="4.3">
        <Analyzer AnalyzerId="Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.LayoutRules">
            <Rule Name="StatementMustNotBeOnSingleLine">
                <BooleanProperty Name="Enabled">False</BooleanProperty>
            <Rule Name="ElementMustNotBeOnSingleLine">
                <BooleanProperty Name="Enabled">False</BooleanProperty>
          <AnalyzerSettings />

    In addition, I also found out that you can drag the Settings.Sytlecop file onto the StyleCopSettingsEditor.exe which presents a GUI for enabling and disabling the rules.