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Add space using foundation grid mixins - sass

I am trying to make a nav bar with sass and foundation grid. I have links in the nav bar, but I don't want them to each be @include grid-column(4); instead I would like them to be 3 columns each and then have an empty space of 3 columns on the right end. It would be something similar to this: navbar (the email tab is currently hovered)

How do I add a space there with the Foundation Grid Sass Mixins.


  • I fixed the issue by just changing each id to @include grid-column(3); that were previously @include grid-column(4);. I believe this worked because they are in a row and the next column down is larger than 3 so it doesn't automatically jump to the nav bar above, but it lays underneath it.

    My mixins are laid out something like this:

        header {
              @include grid-row;
        h1 {
              @include grid-column(9);
           @include grid-column(3);
        nav {
              @include grid-column(12);
      #games {
              @include grid-column(3);
        #email {
              @include grid-column(3);
        #archive {
              @include grid-column(3);
        .breadcrumbs {
           @include grid-column(12);
        nav a {