I am an ESRI SQL user- so my query has to start with: SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE
I have GPS-based vehicle records (snowplows) with a date/time field (called timedate) and I need to either A.) select records that have occurred in the previous x number of hours based on an integer field in a separate table or B.) select records that are newer than a date/time based on a date/time field in a separate table. If it is case A, then the field in case B will be null. If it is case B, then the field in case A will be 0.
Here's what I've written for case A.
SELECT * FROM myDataTable
WHERE(DATEDIFF(hh, TimeDate, GETDATE()) <= (select NumberofHours from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
AND Fleet = 'District 2'
AND NOT [Speed] = 0
AND ([AssetDesc] LIKE 'Sander/Plow%' AND Input2On = 'On' AND Input1On = 'On'))
And here's what I've written for case B.
SELECT * FROM myDataTable
WHERE(TimeDate <= (select StartTime from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
AND Fleet = 'District 2'
AND NOT [Speed] = 0
AND([AssetDesc] LIKE 'Sander/Plow%' AND Input2On = 'On' AND Input1On = 'On'))
They both work, but can someone help me put it together? When I've tried with a case statement, I keep getting the error: "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS." I also have the limitation of having to start with "Select *" since I'm doing this in an ESRI definition query.
Any help is appreciated.
Very quick thought. Probably not the most optimized but Why not simply coming and two WHERE statements using an OR?
SELECT * FROM myDataTable
(DATEDIFF(hh, TimeDate, GETDATE()) <= (select NumberofHours from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
AND Fleet = 'District 2'
AND NOT [Speed] = 0
AND ([AssetDesc] LIKE 'Sander/Plow%' AND Input2On = 'On' AND Input1On = 'On'))
(TimeDate <= (select StartTime from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
AND Fleet = 'District 2'
AND NOT [Speed] = 0
AND([AssetDesc] LIKE 'Sander/Plow%' AND Input2On = 'On' AND Input1On = 'On'))
Since both A) and B) share a large number of conditions, you could combine like below. This is taking for granted you want to catch rows fulfilling conditions EITHER A) OR B).
SELECT * FROM myDataTable
DATEDIFF(hh, TimeDate, GETDATE()) <=
(select NumberofHours from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
TimeDate <= (select StartTime from myHoursControlTable where District = 2)
AND Fleet = 'District 2'
AND NOT [Speed] = 0
AND ([AssetDesc] LIKE 'Sander/Plow%' AND Input2On = 'On' AND Input1On = 'On');