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netTCPBinding configuration cannot transport small sized data - socket connetion was aborted

I have a WCF service hosted by a Windows Service. It has a Publish/Subscribe relationship to zero to many clients within the network. The binding is net.TCP. The WCF Service provides a "Subscribe" method to the client so the client can register a callback handler. The WCF Service periodically calls methods in the callback handler of any currently subscribed clients.

The interface is defined (with abreviation) below:

    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)]
    void ReturnInitialData(
        InitialData initialData,
        CraneState recentState,
        VerticalCraneState recentVerticalCraneState,
        ThresholdState recentThresholdState,
        StationaryStatusFlagsState recentStationaryStatusFlagState,
        LightsState recentLights,
        BarrierRiskState recentBarrierRiskState

When the service calls ReturnInitialData() with approximately 42000 bytes of data, it works fine. When the service calls it with approximately 70000 bytes of data it throws the following exception:

The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an
error processing your message or a receive timeout being
exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying
network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '00:10:00'.

This is the netTcpBinding configuration:

CloseTimeout                00:00:20
HostNameComparisonMode      StrongWildcard
ListenBacklog               0
MaxBufferPoolSize           524288
MaxBufferSize               2147483647
MaxConnections              0
MaxReceivedMessageSize      2147483647
OpenTimeout                 00:01:00
PortSharingEnabled          False
ReceiveTimeout              00:10:00
SendTimeout                 00:10:00
TransactionFlow             False
TransactionProtocol         Ole Transactions
TransferMode                Buffered

ReaderQuotas Properties
MaxArrayLength              0
MaxBytesPerRead             0
MaxDepth                    0
MaxNameTableCharCount       0
MaxStringContentLength      0

ReliableSession Properties
Enabled                     False
InactivityTimeout           00:10:00
Ordered                     True

Any leads or pointers are welcome.


  • You may want to enable WCF Tracing and Message Logging, which will allow you to monitor/review communication to/from the WCF service and hopefully isolate the issue (which, based on the provided error message, may likely be a timeout issue.)

    The following links provide a good overview:
