I've written a function, that Inserts an Element into a binary Tree, but every time I try to run it, I get the a non-exhaustive pattern in function.
type Eintrag = (Person, Anschrift, SozNr)
data Tree = Nil | Node Eintrag Tree Tree deriving (Eq, Show)
singleton :: Eintrag -> Tree
singleton x = Node x Nil Nil
genTree :: Eintrag -> Tree-> Tree
genTree x (Node e l r)= if ((Node e l r)==Nil)
then (singleton x)
else if (soznr x) < (soznr e )
then (Node e (genTree x l) r)
else if (soznr x) > (soznr e )
then (Node e l (genTree x r))
else (Node e l r)
Could you please give me some hints? Thanks
You haven't included a definition for what happens when the tree you are inserting into is Nil
, which presumably looks like
genTree x Nil = singleton x
You tried to do this with the line
genTree x (Node e l r) = if (Node e l r == Nil)
then singleton x
else ...
but if you think about it, you'll see that cannot work. The pattern match ensures that the tree you are looking at is of the form Node _ _ _
, and so it is never Nil
. That is, the test in your if
expression always evaluates to False