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How can I use jasmine.js to test for console output?

I'm working through the text: Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas Zakas and I'm testing the examples with Jasmine.js.

I can currently test the output of a function by specifying a return a value, but I'm running into trouble when there are multiple pieces of data that I want to return.

The textbook uses the alert() method, but this is cumbersome and I don't know how to test for alerts. I was wondering if there was a way to test for console.log() output. For instance:

function_to_test = function(){
    var person = new Object(); = "Nicholas";
    person.age = 29;

    return(;    //Nicholas
    return(person.age);     //29

I know I can have them return as one string, but for more complicated examples I'd like to be able to test the following:

function_to_test = function(){
    var person = new Object(); = "Nicholas";
    person.age = 29;

    console.log(;    //Nicholas
    console.log(person.age);     //29

The Jasmine test looks something like:

it("should test for the function_to_test's console output", function(){

Is there a simple way to do this that I'm just missing? I'm pretty new to coding so any guidance would be appreciated.


  • There are a couple of things that are wrong with your code above. As pointed out, having multiple return statement will not work. Also, when defining a new object, it is preferable to use the object literal syntax over using new Object.

    What you would normally do is something more like this:

    var function_to_test = function () {
      var person = {
        name : "Nicholas",
        age : 29
      return person;

    Using the function above, there are a couple of ways you could test this. One it to mock out the console.log object using Jasmine Spies.

    it("should test for the function_to_test's console output", function () {
        console.log = jasmine.createSpy("log");
        var person = function_to_test();

    The other is to test the actual output of the function.

    it("should return a person", function () {
        var person = function_to_test();
        expect(person).toEqual({ name : "Nicholas", age : 29 });