Given a GADT
indexed by a phantom variable I can use standalone deriving to create some simple instances
data Client
data Temporary
data Permanent
data Token ty where
ClientToken :: Token Client
TemporaryToken :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Token Temporary
PermanentToken :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Token Permanent
deriving instance Eq (Token Client)
deriving instance Eq (Token Temporary)
deriving instance Eq (Token Permanent)
which appear to work perfectly in GHCi
> ClientToken == ClientToken
> TemporaryToken "" "foo" == TemporaryToken "" "bar"
When I try to compile I get a warning, though.
Couldn't match type `Client' with `Temporary'
Inaccessible code in
a pattern with constructor
TemporaryToken :: S8.ByteString
-> S8.ByteString -> Token Temporary,
in an equation for `=='
In the pattern: TemporaryToken a1 a2
In an equation for `==':
== (TemporaryToken a1 a2) (TemporaryToken b1 b2)
= (((a1 == b1)) && ((a2 == b2)))
When typechecking the code for `=='
in a standalone derived instance for `Eq (Token Client)':
To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
In the instance declaration for `Eq (Token Client)'
Which seems to be a buggy bit of the GADT deriving code (re: Haskell Inaccessible code bug? and but since it seems to have the right behavior I'd like to know
flag? And, if possibleI tested your example code in GHC 7.6.3 and at least there I get an actual compilation error instead of a warning in both GHCi and when compiling. It seems that the automatic instance deriving isn't smart enough to realize that it only needs to match a single constructor with the given GADT.
The following works though
data Client
data Temporary
data Permanent
data Token ty where
ClientToken :: Token Client
TemporaryToken :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Token Temporary
PermanentToken :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Token Permanent
deriving instance Eq (Token ty)
But maybe your real use-case is more complex?