It seems as though this isn't possible, but here's an example of what I have working:
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , OverlappingInstances #-}
data Proxy a = Proxy
class Test pt t where
test :: pt -> t -> IO ()
instance Test (Proxy t) t where
test _ _ = putStrLn "MATCHES"
-- I would like to combine these:
instance Test (Proxy t) (t a) where
test _ _ = putStrLn "MATCHES2"
instance Test (Proxy t) (t a b) where
test _ _ = putStrLn "MATCHES3"
instance Test (Proxy t) x where
test _ _ = putStrLn "FAIL"
With PolyKinds
and our instances above our t
in Proxy t
can be arity * -> *
, or * -> * -> *
and the code works correctly, however supporting t
s of higher arity requires adding an arbitrary number of additional instances. Is there a way to combine those two instances into a single instance that means "t
fully-applied to any k
I just realized: I can have a recursive instance that keeps "chopping off" arguments until its found to be equal, although this requires contortions and I'm not yet sure how great an idea this is:
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , OverlappingInstances
, FlexibleContexts -- these are new
, ScopedTypeVariables
data Proxy a = Proxy
class Test pt t where
test :: pt -> t -> IO ()
-- ...also, as you can see I've had to make the second argument a `Proxy` since I can't
-- do the type-chopping thing to real values. I don't think that should be too much of
-- an issue for my use case though.
instance Test (Proxy t) (Proxy t) where
test _ _ = putStrLn "MATCHES"
-- we need this extra instance for an explicit match that is more specific than the instance below:
instance Test (Proxy (t a)) (Proxy (t a)) where
test _ _ = putStrLn "MATCHES"
instance (Test (Proxy t) (Proxy ta))=> Test (Proxy t) (Proxy (ta b)) where
test p _ = test p (Proxy :: Proxy ta)
instance Test (Proxy t) x where
test _ _ = putStrLn "FAIL"
Any other solutions welcome.
EDIT: I just made a little utility library called proxy-kindness
that lets you do some fancy and useful kind-polymorhpic manipulations of proxy values.