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right align dynamic column of datatype number in iggrid

I am using Ignite UI grid.

The columns is dynamically build from the database like this:-


                         columns: data,
                         width: "100%",
                         height: "100%", 

The problem is that i dont know which of the column will be of datatype number since data is comming from database for columns and i have to right align the numeric columns.

The only code i have found is

args.owner.element.find("tr td:nth-child(3)").css("text-align", "right");

to set 3rd column as right align. Since i dont know the column order, i am only left to check for datatype and right align the column,

Is there any way to align column on basis of datatype or any other method to do this?


  • The data type if the column is used for it's representation(formatting) and editing behavior, but there's no extra markup generated that you can use to target with styling.

    However, you are building column definitions server side, where you know exactly what type each column is while creating its definition, no?

    Update: It's been a while since the original answer and for future reference you can use the columnCssClass to apply your class to the actual TD rather than the template. The latter is still a valid option for advanced tinkering.

    Easiest way I can think of is through Column templates - this way you can add whatever styling / formatting to the columns. For example, based of whatever logic you need, you return some columns as:

        key: 'status',
        dataType: 'bool',
        headerText: 'Status',
        template: '<div class="rightAlign"> ${status} </div>'

    You apply "text-align:right;" though the class and skip adding template for columns that should be with default look. Since this definition is generated on the server (imagine my example uses Node.js :P ) you can have those templates static, or create them differently each time - it's up to you.


    Note: Make sure you use a block (div,p) in this case as you need something that will take up the entire grid cell in order to align text inside.

    If that solution doesn't fit, you will have to go through columns and apply styling on the client in a similar way you were thinking of.