I am trying to make this go through the array in a spiral order. When it finds 2, it should replace it with 0 and the next number in the spiral order should become 2. So, if my array is
is should become
The variable ok tells me if I found that number 2 and simply modifies the next number to 2. Note that it doesn't loop through it. When It reaches the center of the array, it stops and doesn't go backwards or starts over.
Any ideas why it doesn't work? It simply doesn't modify my array at all.
using namespace std;
#define ROWS 3
#define COLS 3
int main()
int arr[ROWS][COLS] = {{2,0,0},
// Four direction counters of current movement
// Horizontal right, vertical bottom, horizontal left and vertical top respectively
int hr, vb, hl, vt, ok=0;
// levl indicates current depth of our imaginary rectangle into array. Starting value is zero
// since we are looping on the boundaries and ending value is the inner most rectangle
int levl;
for (levl=0; levl < COLS - levl; levl++)
for(hr=levl; hr < COLS-levl; hr++) // go right
if (ok==1)
arr[levl][hr] == 2;
ok = 2;
if ( (arr[levl][hr] == 2) && (ok == 0) )
arr[levl][hr] == 0;
ok = 1;
for(vb=levl+1; vb < COLS-levl; vb++) // go down
if (ok == 1)
arr[vb][hr-1] == 2;
ok = 2;
if ( (arr[vb][hr-1] == 2) && (ok == 0) )
arr[vb][hr-1] == 0;
ok = 1;
for(hl=vb-1; hl-1 >= levl; hl--) // go left
if ( ok == 1)
arr[vb-1][hl-1] == 2;
ok = 2;
if ( (arr[vb-1][hl-1] == 2) && (ok == 0) )
arr[vb-1][hl-1] == 0;
ok = 1;
for(vt=vb-1; vt-1 > levl; vt--) // go up
if (ok == 1)
arr[vt-1][hl] == 2;
ok = 2;
if ( (arr[vt-1][hl] == 2) && (ok==0) )
arr[vt-1][hl] == 0;
ok = 1;
cout << endl;
for(int t = 0;t < 3;t++)
for(int u = 0;u < 3;u++)
cout<<arr[t][u]<<" ";
int a;
return 0;
The reason that your array is not being modified is because you are using "==" instead of "=". So
if ((arr[levl][hr] == 2)&&(ok==0))
arr[levl][hr] == 0;
should be
if ((arr[levl][hr] == 2)&&(ok==0))
arr[levl][hr] = 0;
== Is a comparison operator and = assigns the value. Check your code very carefully and make it more readable for you could be able to find easy mistakes like that :).