I have a problem with saving form values from two domain classes
One class is
class Ip {
String inetAddress
String dns
String os
String toString(){
Hoster hoster
static constraints = {
and the second one is just
class Hoster {
static HOSTER_OPTIONS = ["Name1", "Name2", "Name3"]
String name;
String toString(){
List ips = new ArrayList()
static hasMany = [ips : Ip]
static constraints = {
name(unique: true, blank: false, inList: HOSTER_OPTIONS)
I have a Controller where I handle the data from a form
def systems = new Ip()
systems.inetAddress = params.ip
systems.dns = params.dns
systems.os = params.os
systems.hoster.name = params.hoster
def result = systems.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)
But I didn't get it managed that the data is saved.
You're not associating correctly your domain classes in the controller:
systems.hoster.name = params.hoster
Instead of setting the name, you need to set the instance that exists in the database:
systems.hoster = Hoster.findByName(params.hoster)