I just occured a very strange problem. When I edit my stylesheet and save it (with ftp filezilla) and I refresh the page with Ctrl-f5, there are no changes in the style.
When I make a new stylesheet and copy the code from the 'not working' stylesheet into there and save with the new name it works. but when I edit that stylesheet, the same problem appears.
I really don't know what te problem is.
I use
This is probably a common caching problem. One way to solve it is by adding a version parameter to the stylesheet’s URL:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//www.example.com/css/style.css?v=1.1" type="text/css" media="all">
Just increment the version number (the v
param in the URL), this will force the browser to download the file as it will be considered "new"/different.