First of all, I'm new to RoR, so the answer may be obvious, in which case I apologize. I've looked around and haven't found anything that helps.
I'm trying to have a search form at the header of every web page on my app that will search through the names of all my "buckets". Here is the relevant code:
In app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb (within a nav bar):
<% search_form_for @q do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name_cont %>
<%= f.text_field :name_cont %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
In app/controllers/buckets_controller.rb:
def index
unless params[:q].blank?
@q =[:q])
@buckets = @q.result.paginate(:page => params[:page])
@buckets = Bucket.find(:all, :limit => 5).paginate(:page => params[:page])
I understand the last part isn't that great: what I'm trying to do is if I'm just accessing the bucket index page (not by searching), i display the 5 most recently created buckets. When I search for something in the header form, I access the index page but only show the buckets that hit the search. (would a better way to handle it to have a search page separate from my index page?)
I found this issue which is pretty much identical, but I still don't see how I handle @q
if every page is going to have the form on it--surely I don't have to alter every controller's every action?
Sorry in advance for any frustration my noobishness my cause you!
As others have said, you need to utilize the ApplicationController's before_filter. Though ernie himself seems not to recommend this, the implementation is simple.
First, use the advanced Ransack options to set your path for your search thusly
resources :buckets do
collection do
match 'search' => 'buckets#search', via: [:get, :post], as: :search
Second, update your BucketsController to include the following custom action:
def search
render :index
Nothing yet out of the ordinary. If you currently try to search you will get the error from your original question. Your definition of the variable q is correctly implemented, but you will have to move it to the ApplicationController like so:
before_filter :set_global_search_variable
def set_global_search_variable
@q =[:q])
Finally, update your search form to pass in the correct search options
<% search_form_for @q, url: search_buckets_path, html: { method: :post } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name_cont %>
<%= f.text_field :name_cont %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>